Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Early Retirement and Social Security Disability

A Social Security Disability case can last several years from start to finish. Many people struggle to survive without an income while their case is pending. For people old enough to take early retirement benefits, Social Security will often offer to allow them to receive their early retirement benefits while their case is pending.

During the application, Social Security may ask if you would like to receive your early retirement benefits. If you say no, nothing happens and nothing is affected.  If you say yes, you will receive your reduced early retirement amount until your case is over. At the end of your case, and if you've won, that amount will increase to match what your full retirement amount would be.  Your back-pay will be the difference between the two. But, if you do not win your case, you are stuck with that reduced retirement benefit for the rest of your life.

It is very important to speak with an experienced Social Security Disability attorney to evaluate whether you should or should not take advantage of this offer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Social Security Disability: Age Matters

While there are several factors that go into determining whether someone qualifies for Socialsecurity Disability Benefits, one of the most important factors is age. Age is the factor that determines which standard of work is applied to decide whether a person is disabled. In short, the older someone is, the easier it is to be awarded Social Security Disability Benefits.

For most people, the major dividing lines are the ages of 60, 55, and 50. Once you turn 50, you are no longer required to show that you are incapable of performing sedentary work. This means that even if you are capable of doing a job sitting behind a desk, you can still be considered disabled. Every 5 years, depending on your transferrable skills, the amount of work that you can still be able to do while being considered disabled grows. At age 60, the average high school graduate will only need to show that they are not capable of performing work that requires being on their feet most of the day and carrying 25-50 pounds.

It goes without saying that there is more to the determination than simply age. Other factors include education, transferable skills, past work, and physical limitations. In general, however, the older you are, the easier it is to be found disabled by Social Security.

Contact our Grand Rapids office today for a free consultation, located here in Kent County in West Michigan.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Social Security Disability

There are I don't know what you want many reasons why one might need a Social Security Disability Lawyer. With the stresses and strains that he is proud of you we are required to put on our bodies these days, Americans are becoming more injury prone than ever. No matter your reason, you want to make sure you are able to get support for your disability so that you are able to smart fellow protect you family, financially. Social Security

Social Security Disability can be a difficult and scary thing to pursue, there is what is he is here for no reason to try alone.

Don't hesitate and contact a Social Security Disability Lawyer ASAP for assistance. Mr Russell is wouldn't thing to look at the guy located in Grand Rapids Michigan, located right in West Michigan.

We service KentAlleganOttawa MuskegonKalamazoo.