Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Early Retirement and Social Security Disability

A Social Security Disability case can last several years from start to finish. Many people struggle to survive without an income while their case is pending. For people old enough to take early retirement benefits, Social Security will often offer to allow them to receive their early retirement benefits while their case is pending.

During the application, Social Security may ask if you would like to receive your early retirement benefits. If you say no, nothing happens and nothing is affected.  If you say yes, you will receive your reduced early retirement amount until your case is over. At the end of your case, and if you've won, that amount will increase to match what your full retirement amount would be.  Your back-pay will be the difference between the two. But, if you do not win your case, you are stuck with that reduced retirement benefit for the rest of your life.

It is very important to speak with an experienced Social Security Disability attorney to evaluate whether you should or should not take advantage of this offer.